Hilfe im Förderdschungel. Energieeffizient bauen oder sanieren" am 9. Januar um 15.00 Uhr. Jetzt hier anmelden und bequem von zuhause aus teilnehmen

Retirement planning, investments and loans

Shares, building society savings plans, investment funds, life insurance, Riester and Rürup pensions and much more - there are numerous ways to invest money and plan for your retirement. We will assist you with independent advice in finding the right form of investment for you.

Shares, building society savings plans, investment funds, life insurance, Riester and Rürup pensions and much more - there are numerous ways to invest money and plan for your retirement. Banks and insurance companies offer a vast array of different products to cater for the various options. We will assist you with independent advice in finding the right form of investment for you.


Our experts can advise you on the following topics, for example:

  • What are my individual pension needs?
  • Assessment based on your personal, family and professional situation.
  • Overview of pension planning and investment options:
  • Which investment strategy and which products are best for me?
  • Review of existing contracts:
  • Is it worth switching? Is cancellation sensible and feasible?
  • Review of products before contract signing:
  • Is the product a good fit for me? What are the advantages and disadvantages and are there any pitfalls?
  • Does a Riester contract or a Rürup insurance make sense?
  • How to reinvest employer contributions to state-supported savings schemes?
  • Is it worthwhile to have a company pension through deferred compensation?
  • Do I need a consumer loan? What are the alternatives?
  • Is the loan agreement OK? Can I cancel the loan?

We offer advice:

  • in person at our advice centres in Cottbus, Eberswalde, Frankfurt (Oder), Potsdam und Königs Wusterhausen; to book an appointment, please contact us on telephone on 0331/98 22 999 5 (Mon-Fri 9-18) or online at www.verbraucherzentrale-brandenburg.de/terminbuchung
  • or by email (in German): Click here for details


Legal advice

You describe your case to our advisers and then receive individual assistance. In many cases this will help you to assert your rights independently.

In-person advice: EUR 20.00 (30 minutes)
Email advice (in German): EUR 20.00; click here for details

Legal representation

Our advisers will represent you out of court - including in writing - vis-à-vis the company.

Out-of-court legal representation: EUR 40.00

Eine Studentin googelt nach einer Antwort

Offers for students

Here you find our offers for students.

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Unrechtmäßige Gebühren auf service-rundfunkbeitrag.de: Sammelklage eröffnet

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