Kostenloses Online-Seminar „Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung: Einkommenseinbußen richtig absichern" am 6. Februar um 17.00 Uhr. Jetzt hier anmelden und bequem von zuhause aus teilnehmen.

German-Polish consumer advice

Many Brandenburgers spend their holidays in Poland, shop there and hire Polish tradesmen or service providers. Similarly, many Poles buy products and services in Germany. Both German and Polish consumers can get advice from the bilingual lawyers at the German-Polish Consumer Information Centre.

Brandenburg is growing ever closer to the neighbouring country of Poland. Many Brandenburgers spend their holidays in Poland, shop there and hire Polish tradesmen or service providers. Similarly, many Poles buy products and services in Germany.

Both German and Polish consumers can get advice from the bilingual lawyers at the German-Polish Consumer Information Centre (VIZ) if they have questions or problems related to cross-border trade.


Our advice is focused on the following areas:

  • Tradesman services (work delivery and complaints),
  • Online and offline shopping,
  • Travel,
  • Nursing/care workers from Poland,
  • (Dental) medical services and treatments.

Our services:

  • We provide information and advice on general consumer matters in a German-Polish context.
  • We will assist you with advice and support to deal with specific problems related to shopping and ordering in a neighbouring country.
  • We offer advice in German and Polish.
  • In the event of a legal dispute, we will represent you out of court: We contact the Polish business directly and work towards an amicable solution to the problem.
  • If necessary, we will explain to you how you can enforce your rights in court and have the court decision enforced in Poland.
  • We offer lectures on German-Polish consumer topics for educational institutions and other interested parties.

Our services are subject to a fee (starting from EUR 5.00). The fee amount depends on the type and scope of the service. We will inform you of the advice costs before the appointment.

We offer advice:


Legal advice

You describe your case to our advisers and then receive individual legal assistance. In many cases this will help you to assert your rights independently.

In-person advice: EUR 15.00 (30 minutes)
Email advice (in German): EUR 20.00; click here for details.

Legal representation

Our advisers will represent you out of court - including in writing - vis-à-vis the company.

Out-of-court legal representation: EUR 40.00

Quick query

You have a simple question that our advisors can answer quickly.

Ad-hoc advice: EUR 5.00

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Offers for students

Here you find our offers for students.

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