A dream holiday can turn into nightmare, irrespective whether it was a package or independently booked holiday. The accommodation is dirty and the food is inedible. The flight is delayed and the provider refuses to pay any compensation. You can contact us with these and similar problems.
A dream holiday can turn into nightmare, irrespective whether it was a package or independently booked holiday. The accommodation is dirty and the food is inedible. The flight is delayed and the provider refuses to pay any compensation. The cost of rebooking or cancelling flights, or making name changes is very high. The holiday portal charges high additional costs at the time of booking. Or the company refuses to accept returns of goods purchased on a promotional shopping trip.
Our experts can advise you on the following topics, for example:
Travel problems and complaints
Delay and cancellation of train, bus or flight connections
Problems with travel agency portals
Purchase of goods on promotional shopping trips
We offer advice:
in person at our advice centres; to book an appointment, contact us on telephone on 0331 / 98 22 999 5 (Mon-Fri 9-18) or
You describe your case to our advisers and then receive individual legal assistance. In many cases this will help you to assert your rights independently.
In-person advice: EUR 15.00 (30 minutes) Email advice (in German): EUR 20.00; click here for details Preparation of an individual letter: plus EUR 10.00 Video chat advice using Digimobil: free of charge
Legal representation
Our advisers will represent you out of court - including in writing - vis-à-vis the company.
Out-of-court legal representation: EUR 40.00
Quick query
You have a simple question that our advisors can answer quickly.
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