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Do you want to cancel your gym subscription: Here’s how to do it

Are you tired of working out at your gym? Or you can’t because of health problems? Then the question is: How do I get out of the gym contract? Here we explain when you can cancel it.

You can read this article in German or Polish as well.

Are you tired of working out at your gym (fitness studio)? Or you can’t because of health problems? Then the question is: How do I get out of the gym contract? Here we explain when you can cancel it. 


What is the notice period for my gym contract?

You can usually take out gym contracts for a fixed period of time: For example there are contracts with terms of 6, 12 or 24 months. If you sign a contract, you must usually pay the monthly premiums until the end of the contract period. This means: You can only cancel at the end of the agreed term. 
Remember to cancel in time: Otherwise, many gym contracts are automatically renewed. In your contract you can see what the notice period is.
Although many gyms allow cancellation by email (in text form), our advice is: It is better to send the cancellation letter by registered mail. This way you can prove that your cancellation has been received. 

Many gym contracts are automatically renewed if you do not cancel in time. Look in your contract or in the terms and conditions and check the cancellation period!

Cancellation in exceptional circumstances: When do you have a right of special cancellation?

You can’t use the gym for a certain period of time (for example because of water damage)? Has your monthly membership fee been surprisingly increased or has the women's gym been converted into a mixed gym? These can be reasons for you to cancel owing to exceptional circumstances (extraordinary cancellation). 
Because in some cases, you can cancel your gym contract prematurely: if disruptions or problems occur that are within the gym operator's sphere of risk. But first you must give your contract partner the opportunity to eliminate the problem. Give them a reasonable deadline and ask them to remedy the disruption.

Before you extraordinarily cancel the contract due to a disruption, set the operator a reasonable period of time to eliminate the problem.

Cancellation in the event of illness: When can you cancel your gym contract for exceptional circumstances?

You can’t work out at the gym anymore because of an illness? In some cases, you may terminate your gym contract immediately for an important reason. It must be decided individually according to each situation whether an important reason exists: One example is a long-term illness not yet diagnosed when the contract is signed, which makes it impossible to train in the gym until the end of the contract period.
Send the cancellation to the gym as soon as you learn of your illness. In addition to the cancellation letter, you must also present a medical certificate. However, the gym owner is not allowed to insist that you include a precise description of the illness in the certificate.

Are you unable to train because of a long-term illness and do you want to cancel your gym contract immediately for this reason? You must submit a medical certificate with the cancellation letter.

Can I cancel my gym if I move house or am pregnant?

Many people think that they can terminate a gym contract extraordinarily if they move to another city or abroad. But the courts see things differently. You only have a special right of termination due to relocation if it is also stated in the contract.

Regarding immediate cancellation due to pregnancy, there is unfortunately no clear answer. Pregnancy can be a reason for cancellation, but does not have to be. Here it depends on the individual case. So what can you do if you do not want to or cannot train in the gym during your pregnancy? Our tip: Try to cancel the contract with your operator.

Did you move to another town? Unfortunately, this is not an exceptional circumstance allowing you to cancel the gym contract. However, it is worth trying to ask the studio operator for a fair termination of the contract.

Are you not sure if you can cancel or do you have problems with the cancellation because of the Corona crisis? At the consumer advice centre you can get personal advice . For more information on cancellation during the Corona crisis, please see here (in German). 

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