Kostenloses Online-Seminar "Fassade, Dach und Heizung. Welche Einzelmaßnahmen sind sinnvoll?" am 9. September um 15.00 Uhr. Jetzt hier anmelden und bequem von zuhause aus teilnehmen.

TV licence

The TV licence is payable per flat. It is levied by the ARD ZFD Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice, formerly GEZ. It doesn't matter whether you even have a television or radio that you can use to receive public service programs. However, some can be exempt from paying the licence fee.

The TV licence is payable per flat. It is levied by the ARD ZFD Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice, formerly GEZ. It doesn't matter whether you even have a television or radio that you can use to receive public service programs, or how many people share the flat. However, some can be exempt from paying the licence fee or at least only pay a reduced fee. This includes, for example, recipients of social benefits such as unemployment benefit II or basic subsistence income for the elderly, severely disabled persons as well as students, pupils and trainees who receive BAföG funding or vocational training allowance and no longer live with their parents.


Our experts can advise you on the following topics, for example:

  • Can I be exempt from paying the TV licence?
  • Can I get a discount on the TV license?
  • Do I have to pay a fee for my holiday flat /residence?

We offer advice:


In-person advice: EUR 0.00
Telephone advice: EUR 0.00*
E-mail advice (in German): click here for details

* For telephone advice, the prices are quoted for calls from the German fixed network. Mobile phone prices may vary.

Rundfunkbeitrag für Fernsehen und Radio

Do I have to pay the licence fee (Rundfunkbeitrag)?

Have you recently moved to Germany and just moved into a new apartment? Then you have to remember that people in Germany are basically obliged to pay a licence fee.

Beitrag Rundfunkgebühr Ermäßigung Giulia Cappello

Licence fee (Rundfunkbeitrag) – exemption and reduction

Want to know when you do not need to pay a licence fee? Then just take a look at the options that can exempt you from paying the licence fee.
Eine Studentin googelt nach einer Antwort

Offers for students

Here you find our offers for students.

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